Journal Details

  • Islamic Literature Review, An International Journal of Islamic Revival

    Publisher Deoband Institute of Islamic Thought
    E-ISSN 1234-5678
    Print ISSN 2349-1795
    Chief Editor Atif Suhail and Anwar Khan
    Contact email
    Address The establishment of DIIT is the Renaissance of Islamic intellectualism and Islamic thought in Indian subcontinent. DIIT aims to introduce the thoughts and revolutionary literature of Deobandi Ulama to the Islamic/Arab and the Western communities of the scholars. Worldwide scholar community and especially those, inspired by Deoband movement, are wholeheartedly welcome for their intellectual contribution. DIIT offers certificate, diploma, vocational education and post-graduate study programs and research in Islamic Thought.
    Country India
    Impact Factor Or Status Awaiting
    Journal Description

    The journal aims to promote/analyze/evaluate only those ideologies, which provided Islamic cultural strength to the Ummah and defended Islamic values in the past. It is now strongly felt that an intellectual revision and promotion of these ideologies is inevitable. The journal aims to provide a platform for the scholars, academicians and researchers to publish analytic and critical evaluation, textual variations, translations and emendation of the Islamic religious, social and political literature of the Great Deobandi Ulama. This literature, which was successful for an Islamic intellectual revolution during the different periods in the history, still has the required potential to galvanize the new generations of the Muslims to play their roles in social, educational and political fields.

    Journal Language

    English and Arabic

    Accessibility Type (Free/Paid)


    Area of Specialization

    Islamic, Religious, Asian, Studies, Comparative Religion

    Starting Year of the Journal


    Online Availability (Yes/No)


    Content Accessibility (Full Text/Abstract/ Table of Content)
